Allpony Subscription Options
Choose an individual plan or create a learning program for your students.
Included With Every Course
Engaging online horsemanship learning games that reinforce the course topics. Play on your phone, desktop, or tablet.
After taking the course and playing the related games, a quiz tests students on the horsemanship topics taught in each course.
When a student passes a quiz, they receive a customized certificate with their name, the course name, their score, and the date.
Earn digital badges for each course you complete. Earned badges are visible in the Leaderboards and within your My Allpony pages once you login with your subscription.
All student course badges are visible in the Leaderboards. Keep track of your certificates and access your quiz certificates in your My Achievements page.
Track Your Progress
The My Courses page helps you keep track of your progress with the courses
Barn Groups
Create a group for your barn or lesson program where you can upload a logo and banner, friend people, and message other students.
Send Messages
Send messages within Allpony to individual subscribers or to entire groups.
Manage your account, orders, downloads, and profile images and bio. View your friends, messages, groups, and more.